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New Paintings | James Collins

New Paintings


New Paintings | James Collins


24 Nov - 27 Jan




A Encounter tem o prazer de apresentar James Collins – New Paintings, que inaugura na quinta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2023. A exposição é a primeira individual do artista em Portugal e reúne um conjunto de obras recentes criadas entre 2020 e 2023. Esta seleção é representativa da linguagem visual distinta pela qual Collins se tornou reconhecido, ao mesmo tempo que marca um desenvolvimento significativo na linguagem das suas pinturas. Através de uma preocupação material com a lógica inerente à pintura e da experimentação contínua com a alquimia da tinta, os objetos diversos e enigmáticos que Collins produz assumem aqui um novo tipo de agência.

New Paintings estará patente até 27 de janeiro de 2024.


Encounter is pleased to present James Collins – New Paintings opening on Thursday 23rd November 2023. The exhibition is the artist’s first solo show in Portugal and brings together a collection of recent works created over 2020-23. This selection is representative of the distinct visual language for which Collins has become recognized, whilst also marking a significant development in the language of the paintings. Through his material preoccupation with the inherent logic of painting and ongoing experimentation with the alchemy of paint, the diverse and enigmatic objects Collins forms have taken on a fresh agency.

New Paintings runs until the 27th of January 2024.
New Paintings | James Collins



Encounter was founded by Alexander Caspari in 2014. The gallery curates academically rigorous and immersive exhibitions, working with a core group of leading emerging and established international contemporary artists. In 2022, Encounter launched a new gallery space in Lisbon. The gallery, comprised of seven exhibition rooms, two viewing rooms and a sculpture garden, is located in a large 19th Century apartment on Rua de São Bernardo next to Jardim da Estrela and The British Embassy. Since its inception, Encounter has focused on building dynamic relationships with both new and established collectors, institutions and foundations, who are dedicated to supporting diverse contemporary art practices. Artists’ the gallery represents have been exhibited at and collected by important institutions internationally including; Tate Modern, The British Museum, V&A, The Royal Academy, The Getty Villa, La MEP, Palais de Tokyo and Kettle’s Yard.

The gallery is committed to exploring the role of artist and curator outside the gallery walls. This has resulted in numerous installations and commissions in the public realm, both in the UK and globally. In 2017, extending the gallery’s London program, Encounter was appointed to curate the contemporary sculpture program of Smithson Plaza, St James's, building on an important legacy of Post-War and Contemporary sculpture at this iconic architectural site.

We are an open and friendly team who value long term relationships and welcome new collaborations.

Opening Hours
Wednesday - Saturday 2pm - 7 pm
and by appointment

Rua de São Bernardo 15 RC, 1200-823 Lisboa




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New Paintings | James Collins


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03 Lisboa

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New Paintings | James Collins
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