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A Francofonia no Festival Monstra


A Francofonia no Festival Monstra


20 março — 30 março







Desde 2000, a MONSTRA | Festival de Animação de Lisboa tem como grande objetivo celebrar a transversalidade artística, promover o encontro entre pessoas de diferentes artes e transmitir novos olhares estéticos, usando como base a linguagem mais pluridisciplinar que conhecemos: o Cinema de Animação.

Pela segunda vez este ano, o Festival Monstra apresenta, em parceria com a Festa da Francofonia, uma seleção reforçada de 75 filmes francófonos (França, Bélgica, Suíça, Canadá/Quebeque, Romênia, Luxemburgo).


FEATURE FILM COMPETITION"A Boat in the Garden" by Jean-François Laguionie, 2024, LUXEMBOURG (Co-production FRANCE)
"Journey of Shadows" by Yves Netzhammer, 2024, SWITZERLAND
"Savages" by Claude Barras, 2024, SWITZERLAND (Co-production FRANCE, BELGIUM)

SHORT FILM COMPETITION"Glass House" by Boris Labbé, 2024, FRANCE
"Next?" by Christel Guibert, 2024, FRANCE (Co-production BELGIUM)
"Misérable Miracle" by Ryo Orikasa, 2023, FRANCE (Co-production CANADA, JAPAN)
"The Night Boots" by Pierre-Luc Granjon, 2024, FRANCE
"The Car that came back from the Sea" by Jadwiga Kowalska, 2024, SWITZERLAND
"Beautiful Men" by Nicolas Keppens, 2023, BELGIUM (Co-production FRANCE, NETHERLANDS)
"LOCA" by Véronique Paquette, 2024, CANADA (QUEBEC)
"The Painting" by Michèle Lemieux, 2024, CANADA (QUEBEC)

STUDENT FILM COMPETITION"ZONE BLANCHE" by Maria Minaeva, Carole Naegelen, Marie-Ange Lombard, Marie-Lys Mathias, Enola Pardon, Sarah Bernu, 2024, FRANCE
"Cat, Fox and the wolf" by Aurore Muller Feuga, 2024, FRANCE
"Between the Gaps" by Martin Bonnin, 2024, FRANCE
"HIC SVNT DRACONES" by Justin Fayard, 2024, FRANCE
"Windy day" by Martin CHAILLOUX, Ai Kim CRESPIN, Elise GOLFOUSE, Chloé LAB, Hugo TAILLEZ, Camille TRUDING, 2024, FRANCE
"mom doesn't like monsters" by Iana Sanson, 2024, FRANCE
"Little Saints" by Clémence Taveau, 2024, FRANCE
"Forever" by Théo DJEKOU, Pierre FERRARI, Cyrine JOUINI, Pauline PHILIPPART, Anissa TERRIER, 2024, FRANCE
"Swallow’s Tonada" by Daniela Godel, 2024, FRANCE
"Acrobats" by Eloïse ALLUYN, Hugo DANET, Anna DESPINOY, Antonin GUERCI, Alexandre MARZIN, Shali REDDY, 2024, FRANCE
"Frames" by Theresa Sellmann, 2024, SWITZERLAND
"Ever Still Here" by Stéphanie El Khoury, 2024, BELGIUM (Co-production LEBANON)
"Glory to you Juliets" by Ana Luísa Vilaça Fernandes, 2024, BELGIUM
"Red Meat" by Eleni Aerts, 2024, BELGIUM

PERSPECTIVES SHORT COMPETITION"Mont Noir" by Erika Haglund, Jean-Baptiste Peltier, 2024, FRANCE (Co-production PORTUGAL)
"VOLCELEST" by Eric Briche, 2024, FRANCE
"Supersilly" by Veronica Martiradonna, 2024, FRANCE
"Yuck!" by Loïc Espuche, 2023, FRANCE
"RAAF" by Jeroen Ceulebrouck, 2024, BELGIUM (Co-production PORTUGAL)
"Entropic Memory" by Nicolas Brault, 2024, CANADA (QUEBEC)

SUPER SHORT COMPETITION "Happiness" by Alexis Mouron, 2024, FRANCE
"Missing Words" by Amin Touati, 2024, FRANCE
"Under the Blue Sky of Guadeloupe" by Cléane Ambry, 2024, FRANCE
"Long Distance" by Michael Frei, 2024, SWITZERLAND
"poong" by Laurent Rohrbasser, Robin Szymczak, Vinh Nguyen, 2024, SWITZERLAND

MONSTRINHA COMPETITION"Baking With Boris" by Maša Avramović, 2023, FRANCE (Co-production SWITZERLAND, CROATIA)
"The Night tunnel" by Annechien Strouven, 2024, BELGIUM (Co-production FRANCE, NETHERLANDS)
"Eureka!" by Kris Borghs, 2024, BELGIUM "The Carp and the Child" by Morgane Simon, Arnaud Demuynck, 2024, FRANCE (Co-production BELGIUM)
"Pompon Ours - The dream of the Totem Tree" by Matthieu Gaillard, 2023, FRANCE
"Sparrows" by Rémi Durin, 2024, BELGIUM (Co-production FRANCE)

Archanim"En sortant de l'école, Desnos : Paris" by Justine Vuylsteker, 2015, FRANCE
"En sortant de l'école, Apollinaire: Ville et coeur" by Anne-Sophie Raimond, 2016, FRANCE
Clipanim"Rien Faire - Toute seule dans son pull" by Rémi Richarme, 2023, FRANCE
"Kawawenz" by Antoine Presles, 2024, FRANCE
Dokanim"Via Dolorosa" by Rachel Gutgarts, 2023, FRANCE
"Girls are made to make love" by Jeanne Paturle, Cécile Rousset, Jeanne Drouet, 2024, FRANCE
"Simply Divine" by Mélody Boulissière, Bogdan Stamatin, 2024, FRANCE (Co-production ROMANIA)
"GIGI" by Cynthia Calvi, 2023, FRANCE
Une Guitare à la Mer"The Drifting Guitar" by Sophie Roze, 2024, FRANCE (Co-production SWITZERLAND)
"Les Bottes de la Nuit" by Pierre-Luc Granjon, 2024, FRANCE
"L'Arrivée des Capybaras" by Alfredo SODERGUIT, 2025 FRANCE, URUGUAY, CHILE
Classicas: The Tale of the Fox"The Tale of the Fox" by Irene Starewicz, Wladyslaw Starewicz, 1937, FRANCE

SABER MAIS : https://monstrafestival.com/pt/
Insituto Francês de Portugal



+351 213 939 270

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Insituto Francês de Portugal


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03 Lisboa

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